Symbian mods and patches by CODeRUS and friends
Big thanks to Leonapapa, faenil, swmail, fonix232, wadowice, argie, Il.Socio

You are free to use my modifications in custom firmwares with an indication of my authorship of mods and link to this blog.

Contact with me at:

ICQ 433559121

Twitter iCODeRUS

Rom Patches for S^3

1. Open4all - download - Deltafox
- patch open full access for reading-writing in system folders (sys, resource, private)

2. RemoveRecordingTone - download - CODeRUS
- patch disable "beep" while recording phone call

3. [not tested] c2z4bin - download - wadowice
- patch permit use EPOC binary files in C: before Z:

4. RemoveHashCheck - download - CODeRUS
- patch disables using c:\sys\hash for applications stored on mass memory and mmc.

5. RProperty4all - download - wadowice
- patch open writing RProperty for all programs.

6. CRepository4all - PR and Anna, Belle - CODeRUS
- patch open writing CRepository for all programs. Useful for TweakS users - all tweaks unlocked by default, no need to reboot after installing plugin anymore.

7. InstallServer - download - CODeRUS
- patch removes certificate check while installing sis packages, also removes checking for wrong built-in package installing