1. Open4all - download - Deltafox
- patch open full access for reading-writing in system folders (sys, resource, private)
2. RemoveRecordingTone - download - CODeRUS
- patch disable "beep" while recording phone call
3. [not tested] c2z4bin - download - wadowice
- patch permit use EPOC binary files in C: before Z:
4. RemoveHashCheck - download - CODeRUS
- patch disables using c:\sys\hash for applications stored on mass memory and mmc.
5. RProperty4all - download - wadowice
- patch open writing RProperty for all programs.
6. CRepository4all - PR and Anna, Belle - CODeRUS
- patch open writing CRepository for all programs. Useful for TweakS users - all tweaks unlocked by default, no need to reboot after installing plugin anymore.
7. InstallServer - download - CODeRUS
- patch removes certificate check while installing sis packages, also removes checking for wrong built-in package installing