Goodbye, this is my last CFW.
- Russian interface from 701
- Russian йцукен (qwerty) input from 701
- Russian TTS Olga
- Removed "Message delivered" popup (but delivered status stored in messaging)
- Removed popups on homescreen for new message and missed call
- Edit equalizer mod
- New equalizer setting fix
- Removed "Note: active diverts" popup when call starts
- Removed query "change to general from offline mode"
- Removed nokia hands at startup
- Disabled menu key ligth by Ancelad. But menu key blink when missed events
- 1000 hs by jnx_r (after Software Update delete c:\private\10202be9\persists\200159c9.cre)
- Manual Log storage time mod
- RDS FM-tx name changed to Nokia N8
- Russian letters in dial keyboard
- Any rights to all java apps mod
- Internet data logging enabled
- Common delay in multitap mode changed from 1s to 0.4s
- Delay for input number in multitap mode changed from 0.6s to 0.2s
- Removed "Turn on Bluetooth in offline?" query (always yes)
- Removed "Turn on WLAN in offline?" query (always yes)
- Removed "Turn on FM-tx in offline?" query (always yes)
- Theme effects tinkerbelle by dscobsct
- Lenght for phone detecting in phonebook changed from 8 to 7 last numbers.
- Fonts from 701
- Removed titles from shortcuts at homescreen
- Mute sounds setting in Camera
- Music harvester scan only in E:\Music и F:\Music
- Added ru suffix in browser
- Disabled autostart and caching for Calendar, Clock, Messaging, Phonebook
- Desabled "allow *widget* to access network?" query (always yes)
- Russian interface by default
- Exclusive SysAp by CODeRUS remake for this Belle CFW. Install TweakS manually and launch z:\tweaks\sysap_coderus_en.twk). SysAp mod features:
+ Settings for charging popups
+ Settings for power saving
+ Settings for FM-tx popups
+ Settings for Reboot modes
+ Other settings
+ Settings for cleaning Log after changing SIM
+ Changing application on Camera key
+ Setting for show/hide char icons for Switch off and Reboot items in powerkey menu (for switchoff item char code is 0x1523, for reboot - 0x21BB)
+ Removed shutdown animation feature. You cant return it back.
+ Swith off and Reboot speed boosted to maximum (faster reboot and shutdown)
23.09.2011 changelog
- disabled space reserve for FOTA (+20 MB free space on C, after Software Update delete files from c:\private\102072c4\)
- USB keyboard russian/english (use Alt+Shift for changing layout)
- disabled autostart for MobileSearch app
- mixed effects tinkerbelle + eccentric by dscobsct (eccentric video)
- added silent mode icon in status bar
- removed SMS sending after Refurbish flash (not tested)
- SMS and Missed Calls setting can be setted up in TweakS plugin Notification.
- in z:\!tweaks folder added TweakS.sis and plugins Startup/Shutdown, Physics settings, Notifications
- in z:\!undomods folder added files for undo mod changes for text under icons and menu key lights.
- disabled startup tone (you can set any tone in Startup/Shutdown plugin in TweakS)
- full access for folders without RomPatcher (use CloseAccess patch from z:\!forpatcher for closing access if need)
- disabled call recording tone without RomPatcher
06.10.2011 changelog
- disabled call recording tone when recording second line, without RomPatcher
- can send protected items using built-in file manager
- returned display rotate effect from eccentric
- fixed silent mode icon after reboot
- Alarm 2.0 Mod for alarm. Install TweakS and launch z:\!tweaks\alarm_coderus_en.twk). simple features:
+ settings for duration of alarm tone (can be set infinite)
+ full phone startup by Alarm
+ phone shutdown by alarm
+ disabling alarm tone for starting/shutdown events (splitted setting)
+ Alarm snoozed for..minutes note can be removed
- Last installserver for install any unsigned apps
Of course you can extract any file from my mod and use in your work, but i always will know if file will be used from my firmware.
You should just add: some moda are made by CODeRUS, and i wll be happy.