Symbian mods and patches by CODeRUS and friends
Big thanks to Leonapapa, faenil, swmail, fonix232, wadowice, argie, Il.Socio

You are free to use my modifications in custom firmwares with an indication of my authorship of mods and link to this blog.

Contact with me at:

ICQ 433559121

Twitter iCODeRUS

Friday, September 23, 2011

Another Symbian hack! by bebooo43

I know you can't believe this...

New Symbian hack with Trend Micro Mobile Security Anti virus by bebooo43

RomPatcher+ Lite

1. Unpack Quarantine archive to C drive. Use X-Plore. You should get C:\tmquarantine\ path.
2. Install Anti-Virus
3. Launch Anti-Virus
4. Go to Options - Quarantine list
5. Do Options - Restore at all files
6. Close Anti-Virus and delete it.
7. Install RomPatcher+
8. Launch RomPatcher+ and apply patches:
- Open4all for access to all folders
- Installserver for installing any unsigned apps (if red cross go here)
If need do Options - Add to auto at patches you need to autostart on phone boot.

Phone hacked =)