Symbian mods and patches by CODeRUS and friends
Big thanks to Leonapapa, faenil, swmail, fonix232, wadowice, argie, Il.Socio

You are free to use my modifications in custom firmwares with an indication of my authorship of mods and link to this blog.

Contact with me at:

ICQ 433559121

Twitter iCODeRUS

Saturday, January 1, 2011

installservers pack

by swmail:

installserver91: for E60, E61i, E62, E65, E70, N71, N73, N75, N77, N80, N91, N91, N92(Symbian 9.1)
installserver92: for E51, E90, N76, N81, N81 8GB, N82, N93, N93i, N95, N95-2, 6290, 5700, 6120, 6110, i520, i550, i400, i450, i560, G810, N78, N96, 6220(Symbian 9.2, 9.3)
installserver3250: for 3250
installserver5500: for 5500
installservere50: for E50
installservere61: for Е61 or 3250 (if first file wont work only)

by PNHT:
installserver934: for newest 9.3 and all 9.4 models

installserverS3: for all Symbian^3 (and Symbian Anna, Symbian Belle)

Copy file to c:\sys\bin
No need to apply installserver patch in RomPatcher

installservers pack