Symbian mods and patches by CODeRUS and friends
Big thanks to Leonapapa, faenil, swmail, fonix232, wadowice, argie, Il.Socio

You are free to use my modifications in custom firmwares with an indication of my authorship of mods and link to this blog.

Contact with me at:

ICQ 433559121

Twitter iCODeRUS

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

[06.10.11] Symbian Belle for Nokia N8 v111.020.0203 Russian [GoodBye]


Goodbye, this is my last CFW.

- Russian interface from 701
- Russian йцукен (qwerty) input from 701
- Russian TTS Olga
- Removed "Message delivered" popup (but delivered status stored in messaging)
- Removed popups on homescreen for new message and missed call
- Edit equalizer mod
- New equalizer setting fix
- Removed "Note: active diverts" popup when call starts
- Removed query "change to general from offline mode"
- Removed nokia hands at startup
- Disabled menu key ligth by Ancelad. But menu key blink when missed events
- 1000 hs by jnx_r (after Software Update delete c:\private\10202be9\persists\200159c9.cre)
- Manual Log storage time mod
- RDS FM-tx name changed to Nokia N8
- Russian letters in dial keyboard
- Any rights to all java apps mod
- Internet data logging enabled
- Common delay in multitap mode changed from 1s to 0.4s
- Delay for input number in multitap mode changed from 0.6s to 0.2s
- Removed "Turn on Bluetooth in offline?" query (always yes)
- Removed "Turn on WLAN in offline?" query (always yes)
- Removed "Turn on FM-tx in offline?" query (always yes)
- Theme effects tinkerbelle by dscobsct
- Lenght for phone detecting in phonebook changed from 8 to 7 last numbers.
- Fonts from 701
- Removed titles from shortcuts at homescreen
- Mute sounds setting in Camera
- Music harvester scan only in E:\Music и F:\Music
- Added ru suffix in browser
- Disabled autostart and caching for Calendar, Clock, Messaging, Phonebook
- Desabled "allow *widget* to access network?" query (always yes)
- Russian interface by default
- Exclusive SysAp by CODeRUS remake for this Belle CFW. Install TweakS manually and launch z:\tweaks\sysap_coderus_en.twk). SysAp mod features:
+ Settings for charging popups
+ Settings for power saving
+ Settings for FM-tx popups
+ Settings for Reboot modes
+ Other settings
+ Settings for cleaning Log after changing SIM
+ Changing application on Camera key
+ Setting for show/hide char icons for Switch off and Reboot items in powerkey menu (for switchoff item char code is 0x1523, for reboot - 0x21BB)
+ Removed shutdown animation feature. You cant return it back.
+ Swith off and Reboot speed boosted to maximum (faster reboot and shutdown)

23.09.2011 changelog

- disabled space reserve for FOTA (+20 MB free space on C, after Software Update delete files from c:\private\102072c4\)
- USB keyboard russian/english (use Alt+Shift for changing layout)
- disabled autostart for MobileSearch app
- mixed effects tinkerbelle + eccentric by dscobsct (eccentric video)
- added silent mode icon in status bar
- removed SMS sending after Refurbish flash (not tested)
- SMS and Missed Calls setting can be setted up in TweakS plugin Notification.
- in z:\!tweaks folder added TweakS.sis and plugins Startup/Shutdown, Physics settings, Notifications
- in z:\!undomods folder added files for undo mod changes for text under icons and menu key lights.
- disabled startup tone (you can set any tone in Startup/Shutdown plugin in TweakS)
- full access for folders without RomPatcher (use CloseAccess patch from z:\!forpatcher for closing access if need)
- disabled call recording tone without RomPatcher

06.10.2011 changelog

- disabled call recording tone when recording second line, without RomPatcher
- can send protected items using built-in file manager
- returned display rotate effect from eccentric
- fixed silent mode icon after reboot
- Alarm 2.0 Mod for alarm. Install TweakS and launch z:\!tweaks\alarm_coderus_en.twk). simple features:
+ settings for duration of alarm tone (can be set infinite)
+ full phone startup by Alarm
+ phone shutdown by alarm
+ disabling alarm tone for starting/shutdown events (splitted setting)
+ Alarm snoozed for..minutes note can be removed

- Last installserver for install any unsigned apps

Of course you can extract any file from my mod and use in your work, but i always will know if file will be used from my firmware.
You should just add: some moda are made by CODeRUS, and i wll be happy.