Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Symbian Belle for Nokia N8 v111.020.0203

New SymbianBelle firmware Anonymous leak. Big thanks to somebody.
Only for Nokia N8.

Version info screenshot

7-Zip Archives.
Original APAC images
Last CODeRUS mod with only Russian/English interface languages:
- English/Russian text inputs only
- Fake Russian interface (English, just need for using russian interface in 3rd party apps)
- My last unique installserver in rofs2
- Removed all asian resources from rofs2 and uda images

Flash with latest Phoenix 2011. Use any installed firmware and replace files in Edit menu before flashing. Use Refurbish.
If phone wont boot-up after passing 100% flashing, just disconnect it from USB, hold power for 8 seconds and then turn on. Phone flashed successfully.