Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Just HackIt! Automatic hack app.

Just HackIt! v1.1
by CODeRUS and Kolay

Updated 19.04.2011:
- RomPatcher installing fixies
- small fixies

Application for hacking NOKIA Symbian smartphones using this method - http://symbian-coderus.blogspot.com/2011/04/new-hack-for-all-symbian.html

1. Sign CertHack_Installer with your own devcert.
2. Install CertUpdater
3. Install signed CertHack_Installer
4. Launch HackIt! by icon from menu.
While hacking application install FileBrowser for S^3 and RomPatcher for other phones.
Also it copy installserver for 9.4 and S^3 phones.

If you getting any error just reboot phone and launch HackIt! again.
After successfully hacking delete HackIt! application.


Easy hack for you all!